Daily suggestions

  • Pincho Pepita

    Pincho Pepita

    4,00 €
  • Calamares a la milanesa

    Calamares a la milanesa

    8,50 €
  • Nachos con carne molida

    Nachos con carne molida

    9,80 €
  • Costillar de cerdo al horno a la mostaza

    21. Costillar de cerdo al horno a la mostaza

    14,40 €
  • Entrecot a la pimienta

    20. Entrecot a la pimienta

    18,00 €
  • Muslo de pollo asado

    Muslo de pollo asado

    12,50 €


Delicious bites to whet your appetite

  • Ensaladilla rusa con camarones fritos

    Ensaladilla rusa con camarones fritos

    3,50 €
  • Pincho Pepita

    Pincho Pepita

    4,00 €
  • Calamares a la milanesa

    Calamares a la milanesa

    8,50 €
  • Queso de cabra

    Queso de cabra

    9,00 €
  • Tosta de salmón

    Tosta de salmón

    2,50 €
  • Nachos con carne molida

    Nachos con carne molida

    9,80 €

  • Ensalada estilo Nuria

    Ensalada estilo Nuria

    8,00 €
  • Ensalada César

    Ensalada César

    11,50 €
  • Poke Bowl

    Poke Bowl

    9,00 €
  • Ensalada Martina

    23. Ensalada Martina

    7,90 €

  • Pasta a la Malasaña

    Pasta a la Malasaña

    11,90 €
  • Saquetti Gorzongola

    Saquetti Gorzongola

    11,95 €
  • Lasaña vegetal con pasta wonton

    Lasaña vegetal con pasta wonton

    9,50 €
  • Espaguetis bolognesa

    Espaguetis bolognesa

    11,00 €

  • Hamburguesa palosanto

    Hamburguesa palosanto

    12,90 €
  • Hamburguesa PimPam de cordero

    Hamburguesa PimPam de cordero

    13,00 €
  • Hamburguesa de vaca

    Hamburguesa de vaca

    16,00 €
  • Hamburguesa La Tia Pepa

    Hamburguesa La Tia Pepa

    11,00 €

  • Presa de buey Angus a la parrilla

    Presa de buey Angus a la parrilla

    16,90 €
  • Costillar de cerdo al horno a la mostaza

    21. Costillar de cerdo al horno a la mostaza

    14,40 €
  • Entrecot a la pimienta

    20. Entrecot a la pimienta

    18,00 €
  • Muslo de pollo asado

    Muslo de pollo asado

    12,50 €

  • Rice


    14,50 €

  • Pescado al Horno

    Pescado al Horno

    21,00 €
  • Lenguado a la Plancha o Menier

    Lenguado a la Plancha o Menier

    19,00 €
  • Calamar a la Plancha

    Calamar a la Plancha

    18,00 €
  • Fritura variada

    Fritura variada

    23,00 €

  • Cheesecake


    4,50 €
  • Pannacotta de melocotón y jengibre

    Pannacotta de melocotón y jengibre

    4,50 €
  • Goloso de chocolate

    Goloso de chocolate

    4,50 €
  • Tartita de yogur y galleta

    Tartita de yogur y galleta

    4,00 €

  • Paco y Lola 2012 vintage

    Paco y Lola 2012 vintage

    35,00 €

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In this way, when you click on the icon, the digital chart will be opened without navigation bars, as if it were a mobile application.

To do this, follow the instructions below:


  1. Press the settings button (the three dots at the top right).
  2. Select "Add to Home Screen".
  3. By default the name of the website will appear, but you can change it if you wish.
  4. Click on "Add automatically".


  1. Press the share button (the central icon in the bottom bar)
  2. Select "Add to Home Screen".
  3. The default name of the web will appear, but you can change it as you wish
  4. Press "Add".

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    to your mobile desktop

    In this way, when you click on
    the icon, the digital menu will be
    opened without navigation bars, as
    if it were a mobile application.

    Configure your ecarta®

    Customize your viewing preferences
    for a better experience.

    • Language
    • Day/Night mode
    • Text size
    • View mode
    • WebApp
    • Allergen filter

    Category browser

    Scroll categories from right to
    left and select the one you want.

    Add your order

    You can add the dishes you want to your
    ticket through the button on each dish.

    You can see the summary of your order
    at any time by tapping on your
    order ticket icon

